New Social Studies Test Prep
Starting 7/28/2014 at 08:00 AM and ending on 7/29/2014 at 03:00 PM
Event Groups:
• ESC of Lorain County - ESC

Join our Social Studies Consultant, Dr. Katie Knapp, for a two-day workshop dedicated to practical preparation for the Next Generation Social Studies Assessments which officially begin in grades 4 and 6 along with high school courses in the 2014-2015 school year. This workshop is designed for social studies, language arts, and special education teachers in Grades 3-12. After a quick overview of the new standards and tests, participants will be introduced to hands-on teaching strategies that will engage children in the learning of all four strands of social studies, particularly in using primary historical sources with children. With Katie’s guidance, participants will work together to locate reliable sources and will create primary source sets aligned to the new Ohio Social Studies Standards. These sets will be ready for use in the classroom. Participants will be asked to share and publish their sets and will be offered college credit for their work if desired.

Before coming, participants need to read...(estimated time on this Pre- Assignment is 3 hours)

- the Standards,

-Model Curriculum for grade level

(Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8 High School History, HS Government, HS World History, HS Geography, HS Economics and Financial Literacy, HS Contemporary World )

-Blue Prints for Test from ODE;

1 semester hour through Ashland at $175 will be optional.


This two day course includes a flipped (pre-assignment) that is required of all who are attending.

Presenter:  Dr. Katie Knapp
Event Fee:  $100 (check payable to ESCLC or PO)
Contact:  Moira Erwine, 440-324-5777 x1156
ESCLC - 1885 Lake Ave., Elyria