Assistant[email protected]440.324.5777 x1100
Posted Friday, January 10, 2025
Special Education Services Coordinator[email protected]440.324.5777 x1154
Posted Wednesday, October 16, 2024
The Special Education Department of the Educational Service Center of Lorain County offers programs and services to all school districts throughout Lorain County. These programs and services support districts, whether directly or indirectly, to meet the changing needs of their students with disabilities. The special education staff includes supervisors, psychologists, teachers, therapists, transition coordinators and paraprofessionals who provide educational services tailored to match district requests. The Special Education Program tailors the services requested to meet school district needs as to the extent of services required and amount of time a school district may need.
Posted Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Child Find is a search for all children with disabilities. Local School Districts are required to locate, identify, and evaluate children within its boundaries suspected of having a disability.Who are children suspected of having a disability?• A child appearing to exhibit a developmental delay;• A child with a suspected deficit in one or more of the developmental areas: communication, vision, hearing, motor skills;• A child who may be known to have or appear to have any of the following: autism; hearing impairment, including deafness; mental retardation; multiple disabilities; orthopedic impairment; other health impairment; emotional disturbance; specific learning disabilities; speech or language impairment; traumatic brain injury; visual impairment, including blindness.If you have or know of a child who may have a disability, please contact your local school district.
Director of Special Education Services[email protected]440.324.5777 x1132