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As a participating school district in the services of the educational audiologist, school district personnel (administrator, related service personnel, teacher) can make a referral of a student in need of audiology-related services.
Please print and complete the referral form and send it to your district’s educational audiologist via email. 

The following are services for participating school districts through a referral process: 

  •  Comprehensive hearing acuity evaluations to students suspected of having hearing difficulties;
  •  Consultation to school district personnel about a specific student's educational needs, as it relates to their hearing impairment;
  •  Assess a student's listening abilities through a Functional Listening Evaluation (FLE) which shows how listening abilities are affected by noise, distance and visual access in the student's natural listening environment;
  •  Assess the benefits of assistive hearing technology devices which includes selection, fitting and monitoring;
  •  Participation on ETR/IEP/504 teams to address the educational needs of a student with a hearing impairment;
  • Analysis of classroom acoustics and to provide suggestions of modifications to improve the listening environment;
  • Provide training/in-service on hearing issues such as classroom usage of assistive hearing technology and prevention of hearing loss;
  • Coordination of cooperative annual service contracts for audiometric equipment.