Literacy Coaches Lounge

Event Date: 3/21/2025
Start Time: 8:30 AM
End Time: 3:30 PM
Location: Educational Service Center - 1885 Lake Ave., Elyria

Registration Details:
2024:  SEPT 20 NOV 8
2025:  JAN 24 | MAR 21 | MAY 16
(please register for each date you plan to attend by clicking the date link)

Target Audience:  Literacy Coaches and Instructional Coaches

This is an opportunity for literacy coaches to share ideas with one another around the planning and implementation of the coaching process for your school/district, to share evidence-based strategies, and to gain ideas or support from one another. These times will also be used to update you on guidance from Ohio’s Plan to Raise Literacy Achievement, Ohio’s Dyslexia Guidebook, and any other relevant updates in law related to or in support of literacy.

Literacy Coaches Lounge will meet every other month in person.  

Contact Hrs:  6
Facilitators:  Erica Kaufmann, Jennifer Martinez, and Olivia Weisman 
Event Fee: (per date) $50 - LC District Members*  |  $100 - Non-Members
*Member Districts:  Amherst, Avon, Avon Lake, Clearview, Columbia, Elyria, Firelands, Keystone, Lorain, Midview, North Ridgeville, Oberlin, Sheffield-Sheffield Lake, Wellington

Assistance: Debbie Shannon, [email protected] or 440.324.5777 x1112

EVENTS REQUIRING A REGISTRATION FEE:  We must receive your cancellation in writing by emailing [email protected] at least 24-hours prior to the event date for a full refund. If you do not cancel or are a no-show, you/your district will be invoiced the full event fee.

EVENTS WITH NO REGISTRATION FEE:   We must receive your cancellation in writing by emailing [email protected] at least 24-hours prior to the event.  If you do not cancel or are a no-show, you/your district will be invoiced a $25 registration fee since our presenters prepare their presentation and may charge an event/planning fee.

If you do not receive a confirmation of cancellation from Debbie Shannon, please follow up by calling 440.324.5777 ext 1112.

In the case of an emergency or situations out of the ordinary, registrations are transferable to another colleague.

  • Payment Is Expected For Registrants