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Visually Impaired

Teachers of Students with Visually Impaired provide a wide range of services to students and school districts in compliance with local, state, and federal legislation. The teachers participate with district evaluation teams in qualifying students under state guidelines, assist in developing program plans, provide direct and consultative services, and facilitate appropriate materials for individual students.

What does a Teacher of Students with Visually Impaired do?

  • Interpret eye reports and conduct functional vision evaluations to help teams determine student qualification and needs

  • Help school teams to better understand how vision impacts student learning and assist in developing effective program plans including ETRs and IEPs

  • Provide instruction in Braille

  • Provide instruction in how to use low vision aids

  • Coordinate/order braille or enlarged materials for the district, in most cost-effective manner

  • Conduct workshops/in-services for staff on effective strategies for students with visual impairments

  • Refer to appropriate agencies for assistive technology evaluation

  • Teach children with varying abilities who are blind or have low vision- deafblind, multiple disabilities, students fully included, vocational students, Pre-K through graduation

  • Teach students daily living skills under the umbrella of the Expanded Core Curriculum

  • Teach students about their visual impairments and how to advocate for their needs and accommodations

  • Collaborate with classroom teachers and other professionals to be sure students with visual impairments have access to all aspects of the curriculum

  • Communicate and work closely with parents of children with visual impairments so that they can become key players on their child’s educational team

The VI program at the ESC has received the Local Braille Production Center Grant that was fully funded providing the ESC TVIs with an embosser to be able to create and produce braille materials for students within the districts.


Teacher of Visually Impaired
440.324.5777 x1120 


Teacher of Visually Impaired
[email protected]
440.324.5777 x1150


Teacher of Visually Impaired
440.324.5777 x1108


Teacher of Visually Impaired
440.324.5777 x1121 


Teacher of Visually Impaired/Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialist
440.324.5777 x1122 


Director of Special Education Services
440.324.5777 x1132